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Choose your health on social media wisely

Not unconventional these days when anyone is afflicted with an illness before everything else one makes his research on the web or social media to get the basic information about the disease. Thankfully we do have uncountable resources available on social media when it comes to healthcare. From doctors, nurses, dieticians, nutritionists, and pharmacists to care providers we have plenty of healthcare professionals who are providing interesting and useful information about health and wellbeing across various social media platforms.

Social media has completely transformed the health sector. Getting an important piece of advice regarding any particular drug from your doctor has just been a click away from the comfort of your home. You are a frequent traveler; you can be in touch with your physician through social media without getting into the hassle of making appointments at new places; thus, saving time and energy. There are social media posts, blogs, pages, as well as video content covering the most frequently queried health topics clarifying the doubts as well as elaborating on what a common man needs to know.

No doubt people are being able to enrich their knowledge concerning health through the efforts of various healthcare platforms on social media. With the comprehensive and valuable content, it’s easier to replicate this knowledge in everyday life hence transforming lifestyles has certainly come a long way.

But the elephant in the room is the ‘credibility and authenticity of the source of information. Apart from registered healthcare professionals and institutes, there is overflowing misinformation too which can be misleading and detrimental to health. No smoothie or potion can shrink or boost you overnight as claimed prevalently in the social media world. One should be following trusted sources only when it comes to health. Moreover, when the situation is grave it is imperative that one makes a walk-in appointment with a healthcare professional rather than relying on social media alone.

Besides, parents and guardians particularly must be watchful of what their teens are watching or following on social media trends regarding their health choices. Teens are quick to get influenced by any charming or instant ways to get into a particular shape or follow a certain diet without consulting their doc or guardian. Now and then we get to know of the cases when kids fall into the trap of following any misleading health or dietary advice.

Likewise, people panic themselves by simulating their symptoms with others and when they discover some deadly self-diagnosis of their own on social media, they are doomed. However, discussing with your healthcare provider had been a savior to your unnecessary worries. At the end of the day, one should be wise enough about who and what to follow across social media pertaining to health and lifestyle as rightfully investing in your health brings splendid returns!


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